12 Big Benefits of Having a Life Coach (Episode 98)

woman waving at screen

Today I’m sharing the power and benefits of coaching and having your own dedicated coach, how it can skyrocket your achievements. 

I’ve had coaches for the last couple of decades and I’m never without one. There’s a very good reason for that and I’m sharing all the juicy details this week.

What You’ll Learn:

  • The #1 reason you’re not achieving your goals.
  • How to practically guarantee your success.
  • Why Las Vegas and I are alike.
  • An offer I hope you can’t refuse.

Listen to the episode above or stream it on your favorite podcast app:

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Schedule your Discovery Call with me today so you can guarantee your own success! 

The Benefits of Having a Life Coach (Transcript)

You are listening to episode 98 of Your Next Phase Podcast. The one where I share the power and value of having a coach and why I’m never without one.

I’m recording this episode on a very snowy morning here in Minnesota. Like most of the country, we’ve had a really weird winter, barely any snow, so I’m enjoying watching the flakes coat the ground with a blanket of white. 

It’s one of those days I just want to snuggle in a blanket and read a good book, you know?

It’s also a great day to journal and if you’ve been here any amount of time you know I’m a huge fan of capturing thoughts and feelings on paper. 

It’s very useful particularly when you’re going through something difficult or making a significant change in your life. I’m an overachiever and I’m doing both at the same time. 

It’s also what I use in my coaching sessions with my own coach. Did you know I have a coach? I’ve had several over the years, each bringing their own unique approach and perspective. 

The Power & Benefits of Coaching

life coach working with a client

I’m a firm believer in the power and value of having a coach. 

Whether you’ve had coaching in the past, you’ve been wondering about working with me, or you simply might not know that coaching is accessible to you outside of your organization, I’m here to share the value that it brings.

1. Accountability & Support

Accountability and support go hand in hand. When you know someone is on the other side cheering you on each week encouraging you to keep going – that is priceless.

Here are some stats on achieving goals with and without accountability and support and here’s what I found:

  • Having an idea or goal, you are 10% likely to complete that goal. Consciously deciding to do it, 25% likely. Adding a date bumps it up to 40%.  Crafting a plan raises it to 50%.
  • Committing to someone else publicly increases success to 65%, and listen to this – adding an accountability appointment with someone you’ve committed to means a 95% chance of achieving your goal. The value of that is HUGE! Just think of what the ROI could be depending on what your goal is!

2. A Life Coach pushes you when you need to be pushed 

I don’t buy into your stories. Now that doesn’t mean I don’t believe what you say, I just don’t get into the deep end of the drama pool with you.

  • I show you where the holes in your story are and I do it with love.
  • I can see patterns of where you get stuck and where you’re hiding behind fear/rejection/judgment/4 Derailers™.

Olympic athletes or someone who wants to be the best in their field – they all have coaches. They would never think to do it on their own.

3. A Coach Sees the patterns that keep you stuck 

I see where perfectionism/achievement keeps you stuck. I let you know when to slow down, scale back, and connect with loved ones.

This is a phrase I use with my clients. At the beginning of a coaching engagement, I always talk about how we’re going to slow down in order to speed up and it really takes my clients by surprise because they’re so used to going a gazillion miles an hour.

I let you know when to slow down and scale back. That helps you connect with loved ones and friends – and yourself.

4. Expand your network

Just think of how many connections I have. I’ve done this for a really long time. My connections and experiences in the thirty plus years I’ve been working is brought with me into your life.

If you’re searching for a different company to work for, if you’re looking for a promotion – I have a lot of connections I can share those things with.

5. Reminds you to celebrate Your Wins

A life coach reminds you to celebrate your wins – both small and large. This helps you fill your tank to continue moving forward.

Celebrating yourself. I think that is something that’s missing in our world. I don’t mean, you know, like in kids’ sports where everyone wins and gets a trophy. No.

I want you to stop and celebrate the wins. The small ones and the large ones. Because that is what’s going to fill your tank and allow you to continue.

It’s what’s going to keep you going and it helps boost your confidence because our brains are so limited right? They immediately look for what’s missing. I want you to look for what is there to celebrate.

6. Emotions

Coaching also helps you process your emotions when there’s resistance or denial.

I can help you process your emotions so they’re not so scary. So many people don’t want to feel bad, and so they resist. Well, that resistance in and of itself makes you feel bad. And when you process an emotion, it really doesn’t take very long to do.

7. A Coach Provides a Space Space

I thrive when I am seen, and heard and coaching provides that safe place. It’s huge for your growth and ability to take risks. Anything you tell me is confidential. I’m like Vegas – what’s happens here stays here. 

8. Invest in yourself

When was the last time you invested in yourself?

I don’t mean massages and self-care type of things. Those are good, but that’s more about maintenance.

When you invest financially in a coach the rewards are exponential.

What is the value of you being able to 5x your income or go after a big goal or release a big fear?

You know, we all consume a bunch of free stuff. There’s all kinds of webinars and you know videos – all ready to consume. The free stuff is easy to consume, but how much of that have you taken action on? That’s my question. We’re consuming a lot. We’re rarely taking action.

When you’re invested, you are more likely to be all in and do what you commit to. Be one of the 95% I mentioned earlier. Coaching is an investment in yourself and I can’t think of a better place to invest, can you?

9. Coaching Expands your thinking 

A coach…

  • Challenges your beliefs because oftentimes a lot of our beliefs aren’t ours – they came from our childhood from authority figures.
  • Tells you the truth. No matter what.
  • Helps you become the next best version of yourself.

A byproduct of coaching is self-confidence, self-pride and the ultimate self-love. And I’m telling you, that in itself is worth the investment.

10. Believes in you 

A coach holds the belief for you, even when you’re doubting yourself. A coach sees you for where you are going, for who you can be and believes in you now.

That’s why I end every single podcast with the phrase, “I believe in you.” It’s so powerful to know there’s a person out there that believes in you unconditionally.

11. Your Strategic Partner

I help you think about issues in a different way, lead in a different way and define yourself in a different way. I help you discover there’s more to life.

12. Fills in the gaps 

Think about what’s missing in your life. Perhaps you want more…

  • freedom
  • joy
  • space to exhale
  • fun

Life has become too serious. It’s time to lighten the load and have more fun! That’s why I’m hosting my More to Life Dinners (more to come soon) this spring. 

Final Thoughts

So, there’s my initial list of the power and value of working with a coach.

What do you think? I’d love to chat with you about your next phase and what goals I can help you reach. I want you to be in the 95% group along with my other clients. Schedule your Discovery Call with me today and let’s get going. 

I’m working on some new and exciting offerings, including a small group mastermind that I know you’ll want to be part of, so stay tuned for more info. So much juicy goodness when we work together, and I have a couple of openings in my practice just for you. 

Alright my friends. That’s what I have for you today. Until next time remember:

I believe in you.